NGS has revolutionized Lifesciences research with a direct impact on healthcare, food production, environmental protection, and alternative sources of energy. However, NGS data analysis remains a challenge and continues to be a bottleneck, considerably slowing down the rate of discoveries. The complex, large-volume NGS data analysis and interpretation require a highly competitive analytics team with interdisciplinary skill sets in high-power computing, statistics, and biology in addition to high-end computational infrastructure. At Link Biotech, we are mastering the art of simplified data analysis through our experience of handling more than 100 NGS projects with diverse applications and species.



We customise and improvise analytical work flows to suit individual project goals and arrive at meaningful inferences with continuous client interactions.

De-novo genome assembly De-novo RNA-seq Analysis Bisulfite-seq Analysis
Genome alignment and analysis Reference RNA-seq Analysis ChIP-Seq Analysis
Human Exome analysis miRNA-seq Analysis MeDIP-seq Analysis
Targeted re-sequencing analysis Degradome Analysis FAIRE-seq Analysis



Next Generation Sequencing Platforms Recommended Applications
RNA-Seq Chip Seq DNA Re-Seq (Eukaryotes) DNA Re-Seq (Prokaryotes) Bisulphite / Methyl – Seq Small RNA-Seq De Novo Genome Complex Genome (Hybrid) Metagenome V3 / V4 / Amplicon Degradome Exome
Illumina Hiseq
Illumina Miseq
PacBio RS II / Sequel