siRNA/Chemically Modified siRNA Synthesis

Link Biotech provides you with the newest siRNA synthesis service. We provide chemical modification, which has better efficiency, stability, and extensional time. Our siRNA can be easily delivered to animals, which can help your experiments.


Link Biotech provides you with the newest siRNA synthesis service. We provide chemical modification, which has better efficiency, stability, and extensional time. Our siRNA can be easily delivered to animals, which can help your experiments.

siRNA Chemically modified siRNA
in vitro stability weak strong
Reaction time shorter, 1 week Longer, 2 weeks
in vivo activity weak strong
Reproducibility high higher

*siRNA and Chemically-modified siRNA

siRNA 2OD / 4OD/8OD
in vivo siRNA
chemically-modified siRNA

*siRNA and Chemically-modified siRNA set – Guaranteed > 70% knock-down in mRNA level

siRNA set 3 x 2 OD negative control siRNA

1 OD negative control siRNA

1 OD FAM labeled negative control siRNA

1 OD positive control siRNA

Chemically-modified siRNA set