1 kb DNA Ladder

  • Recommended load: 5-6 μl
  • Storage: Room temperature ( 6months) , -20°C (24 months)
  • Shipment: Ambient
  • Ready to load and no dilutions needed.
  • Affordable and lowest price in the market
  • Supplied with 3 dyes to monitor migration and use any dye of your choice.
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Biostring Ready to use DNA Ladder are available for a wide application and analysis during electrophoresis. All DNA Ladders are heavily discounted.

In order to facilitate  DNA quantification, these Ladders are available for intensive bands. Low range markers are optimized with intensive bands to easily identify small DNA fragments in a gel. The concentration of each DNA bands also allows quantitative estimation of DNA fragments.

  • Recommended load: 5 μl
  • Storage: Room temperature ( 6months) , -20°C (24 months)
  • Shipment: Ambient

Significant features 

  • Ready to load and no dilutions needed.
  • Affordable and lowest price in the market
  • Optimized to create a sharp and clear band with the enhanced intensity of 1kb and 3kb fragments to identify reference bands
  • superior quality, sharp and intense DNA bands
  • Highly stable at room temperature. If kept in the freezer, multiple freeze-thaw cycles will not affect the quality of DNA markers
  • DNA quantification possible for your DNA fragment as the concentration of each band is written next to each DNA band
  • Environmental friendly and Dry Ice is not required for shipping. Ambient shipping helps to reduce wastage of ice packs or dry ice and saves shipping costs as well.


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